Saturday 7 May 2011

Source Code

I have always been a firm believer in the concept of a parallel universe…. Actually parallel universes. Everything that we do can lead to millions of possibilities and there are millions of such possibilities that are existent somewhere in the fourth dimension. That somewhere is a place unfathomable to woman, man or child with the limited intelligence that we are bestowed with by the person upstairs. And every once in a while a movie will come along that will reiterate it to us and leave nearly 90% of the audience in a state that can be only described as – confused. You can add Source Code to that not so long list of movies and be prepared to be thoroughly confused for a while before you can actually figure out what exactly is happening. This is not a spoler. Just an advance warning for whats in store for you.

Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) is dead. Or is he? Well for all practical purposes he seems to be. His last assignment was flying a chopper in Afghanistan where it would seem he has been KIA – Killed in Action for those who are unaware. But that’s not to be. He does wake up. But he wakes up in a train that’s headed towards Chicago as he finds out when he wakes up. He finds himself right in front of the gorgeous Christina Warren (Michelle Monaghan) who seems to think that he is not Captain Stevens but someone completely different – a George Troxel if my memory serves me right (I may be wrong here but the name is honestly irrelevant). He slowly but surely tries to get his bearings right but is unable to understand how he got into the train in the first place. He tries to put up with the conversation that Christina is having with him but kind of gives up after a while. A few minutes later, the train explodes that’s to a bomb and takes a passing Frieght Train also along with it.

Suddenly, Captain Stevens finds himself suspended from the ceiling in some kind of a capsule or a pod for lack of any other word. He has a screen in front of him on which an officer (of the air force probably) Colleen Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) is trying to calm him down. Stevens, it would seem is part of a programme code named Beleaguered Castle. Before he can find out much about his whereabouts he is buzzed back into the train and finds himself at the beginning of it all. But this time he is told that he has 8 minutes to find out about the bomb, its whereabouts, disarm it and if possible help apprehend the bomber because the next one is supposed to go off in Chicago City. Stevens is part of a programme called Source Code which used the capabilities of the human mind that can retain everything upto 8 minutes even after the physical body has given up.

Duncan Jones’ first major attempt into cinema is one where he tries to desperately build a concept like Nolan did with Inception. An interesting concept for certain but the execution is far from Nolanesque and Jones doesn’t quite give you any hope to expect anything superlative in the near future either. The shuttling back and forth between the pod and train give you a minor headache for certain. Jake Gyllenhaal continues to show signs of desperation in his performance. He has always seemed so confused to me. Michelle Monaghan doesn’t have much of a role. Vera Farmiga is calm and composed as always and it only helps that her role demands that from her. She has to be the single most gorgeous 38 year old in this world right? Definitely the saving grace of an otherwise quite average movie. Interesting concept but not very well executed. I give it a 5 on 10.

Watch the trailer at

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