Thursday, 5 December 2013

Delivery Man

So it has finally happened!!!! Hollywood has released a movie after a Bollywood movie with the same story.  And that’s what most people will be thinking of after watching Delivery Man or even reading the reviews.  To them, I would like to say that we should not get too far ahead of ourselves before investigating all the facts.  A good piece of advise that a wise man had given a long time back I am sure.

Delivery Man (2013) is the remake of a 2011 movie called Starbuck made Canadian by writer director Ken Scott.  It is not a remake of Vicky Donor (oh damn!!! For once we had the upper hand).  In fact Vicky Donor itself credits Starbuck somewhere in the rolling credits apparently (citation required).  That doesn’t take away anything from a very well made movie.  In fact, Vicky Donor would be rated as high as Delivery Man on my scale.

David (Vince Vaughn) is almost a good for nothing really tall man in an otherwise fairly short Russian immigrant family (and I wonder why).  Apparently all the tall genes moved to David and not his brothers who along with their father run a local meat shop.  David tries to run the deliveries for the shop but as his father rightly points out – He is a very inefficient Delivery Man and takes thrice as much time as anyone else does.

Many moons ago, in a rush of youth, David had donated sperm at a local bank nearly 700 times over a span of a year or so.  To that number I say – What capacity!!! In return, he signs a strict confidentiality clause and makes around $24000. He does this under the name Starbuck.  Of these donations, 533 were used successfully.  What’s the trouble with that? Over a 100 of these kids have come together to demand who Starbuck actually is.

Delivery Man is a comedy with a little bit of slice of life thrown in to ensure that the seriousness of the story is not diluted in any manner.  How do you make a choice between a man’s basic right to remain anonymous and a child’s basic right to know who her/his father is? Tough one right? That is probably what differentiates Vicky Donor from Starbuck/Delivery Man.  The rest is all pretty much the same.

Vince Vaughn will continue to remain a good comic lead.  Ken Scott does a commendable job of delving into the sensitive topic of whose basic right to be adhered to and ensures that the story is fair to both parties.  You will never be short on fun through the 100 minutes or so.  If it does last for another week at the Box Office, I strongly recommend that you catch up with it.  7 on 10.

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