Saturday, 13 July 2013

Pacific Rim

Lets begin by picking out what was right about Pacific Rim.  Quite a few things actually.  Loads of refreshing angles.  For one, The aliens have invaded all of earth and not just the United States of America.  In fact, the final show down of the movie happens off the coast of Hong Kong and not in Los Angeles or New York as the case is usually.

Next up is the not so refreshing angle of aliens invading from the sea and not from the air.  Air Invasion was so beaten to death that this time around we have a tunnel that connects their world with ours through the Pacific Ocean!!! Most importantly these aliens have names now.  They are not just ugly masses of grime and acid.
They are called K-A-I-J-U – pronounced just like they are spelt.  So points scored for naming the aliens and also giving them sub-names and generations like 1 to 5 (eventually).  Sub-names include likes of Knife Head because the Kaiju has a horn shaped like a knife – creative right?
Now, to counter the Kaijus who are 20-50 meter high monstrosities, us humans build the J-A-E-G-E-R (yay-ger) – Big huge metal creatures that would put The Transformers to shame.  They need 2 riders whose brains have to be synchronized through a neural synch before they start riding this beast.  Totally awesome!!!
The special effects involved are as always great simply because in the west there is consideration for production value and giving the audiences what they deserve.  So, points scored on that count as well.  Throw in some reasonable actors and a director who is experienced in science fiction (Guillermo del Toro) and you have a decent flick.
On the flip side, however, Pacific Rim really makes you laugh out loud just with the word Kaiju repeated throughout the movie.  They could have thought of a less funny name.  But this writer could be well eating his words in a while just because of the magnitude of revenue that Pacific Rim will generate just through Kaiju merchandise.
Other than all of the above there is very little creativity involved throughout the 2 hours.  It is the same old story of aliens invading earth and us earthlings fight back to protect our world. Yawn.  The 3D is also not out of the world.  So in a nut shell no point in watching Pacific Rim unless you are a huge SciFi / Aliens fan.  6 on 10.

Watch the trailer on

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